Monday, September 30, 2019

John Wesley Hardin

Elsie Glosser Mr. Largent History 122 8 December 2010 John Wesley Hardin John Wesley Hardin, Texas’ most notorious gunfighter, was the son of a Methodist preacher that was growing up during the Reconstruction Era. But instead of saving souls he sent them on to meet their Maker, via bullet train express. So was John Wesley Hardin a cold blooded killer or a product of the times? John Wesley Hardin, who was named after the founder of the Methodist church, was born 26th May 1853 in Bonham, Texas. He was the son of James Gibson Hardin Sr. nd Mary Elizabeth [Dixson] Hardin who were married 19th May 1847. He was the second surviving son of ten children. His father James Gibson Hardin was a Methodist preacher, circuit rider, schoolteacher and lawyer. His mother Mary Elizabeth [Dixson] Hardin was the daughter of a highly respected Indiana doctor and was described by John Wesley as being, â€Å"blond, highly cultured†¦with a charitable disposition, a model wife and helper to his f ather. † (Hardin) At the age of 12, he saw the Confederate soldiers returning home from the Civil War. This was also the beginning of the Reconstruction Era. During the Reconstruction period, the South lay beaten down, the people were filled with hate and vengeance, and the Negro slaves were freed. Many of the Negroes joined the Union army as soldiers or state police. It was during this time that John Wesley developed a deep hatred of the Union and the freed Negroes. â€Å"In his mind, he had seen Abraham Lincoln burned and shot to pieces. So often he thought of him as a demon that was waging a relentless war on the South to rob her of her most sacred rights. † (Hardin) John Wesley was raised with deep religious beliefs and Christian virtues. He had a fierce fire and brimstone religiosity, a strong code of family loyalty and an indelible sense of honor that was a part of the lives of all Southerners, rich or poor. An old Civil War song can be said to accurately reflect the mind of a youth like John Wesley. â€Å" Oh I’m a good ol’ rebel, now that’s just what I am, For this fair land of Freedom, I do not care a damn, I’m glad I fit against it; I only wish we’d won And I don’t want no pardon for anything I’ve done. I hates the constitution, this great Republic, too, I hates the Freedman’s Bureau and uniforms of blue, I hates the nasty eagle with all it brags and fuss, The lyin’ thievin’ Yankees I hates them worse and worse. Three hundred thousand Yankees is still in Southern dust, We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us; They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot, I wish there were three million instead of what we got. I don’t want no pardon for what I was and am’ I won’t be reconstructed and I don’t care a damn. † (Metz) In 1865 John Wesley and his family moved to Sumpter, Texas where his father established a school which he and his siblings attended. But it was here in 1867, at the age of 14; John Wesley would have his first encounter with the law. While preparing for a test in school, a classmate named Charles Sloter and John Wesley got in a fight over some graffiti that Charles had written on the wall about a girl in their class named Sal. Charles accused John Wesley of writing it and he denied it. Charles punched John Wesley and attacked him with his pocketknife. John Wesley drew his pocketknife and stabbed him twice, once in the chest and once in the back, almost killing him. The boys’ parents wanted John Wesley expelled from school, but after hearing the facts in the case, the trustees exonerated him and the courts acquitted him. Charles Sloter recovered from his wounds. In November of 1868, John Wesley went to visit his uncle Barnett Hardin, who lived about 4 miles away, to watch them make sugar from the sugar cane. It was during this visit that John Wesley’s’ life was about to change forever at the age of 15. When John Wesley a arrived at his uncles him and his cousin Barnett Jones got into a playful wrestling match with a former slave named Mage. Together, the boys beat him in the first round. It was during the second round that John Wesley accidentally scratched Mage and drew blood. This made Mage very upset and he threatened John Wesley saying, â€Å"He would kill him or die himself; that no white boy could draw his blood and live; that a bird never flew to high not too come to the ground. † (Hardin) John Wesley’s uncle Barnett Hardin ordered Mage off the farm. The next morning, when he was headed for home, the Negro Mage was waiting for him on the trail with a big stick. He threatened kill John Wesley with it and then throw his body into the creek. He swung at him with the stick, and John Wesley pulled out his Colt . 44 pistol and told him to stop. Mage grabbed the reins of his horse, and when he wouldn’t let go John Wesley shot him loose, but he kept coming back. He continued to shoot Mage every time he came at him, until the man collapsed. He went to another uncle’s house and brought him back to where Mage was lying. His uncle told him to go on home and tell his parents what had happened. Mage ended up dying from his wounds a few days later. His father knew that John Wesley would not receive a fair trial, because to be tried for killing a Negro at that time, meant a certain death at the hands of a court backed by Yankee bayonets. So John Wesley was sent to stay with his brother Joe, some 25 miles away, in Logallis Prairie. In December of 1868, some 6 weeks after the shooting and death of the Negro Mage, his brother told him that there were 3 Union soldiers asking questions about him. He took a shotgun and his Colt . 44 revolver and went to wait for them along the creek bed of Hickory Creek crossing, where he knew they would cross. Their e ambushed them, killing 2 white soldiers with the shotgun and the black soldier with his revolver. So, by the winter of 1868, 15 year old John Wesley Hardin had killed 4 men and was wounded for the first time. But his killings did not stop there. By February of 1871, at the age of 17, John Wesley had killed 12 men. In March of 1871, John Wesley and his cousin Jim Clements took 1600 head of cattle and headed up the Chisholm Trail toward Abilene, Kansas. Along the trail they had a problem with some Mexican vaqueros that kept mixing their cattle with John Wesley’s. A fight broke out, which ended up with John Wesley killing 5 of the Mexicans. So within a day or two of his 18th birthday John Wesley had now killed twenty men. He arrived in Abilene Kansas around June 1, 1871. It was here in Abilene, at 18 years old, that he met Wild Bill Hickok who was the Marshall at the time. John Wesley and Wild Bill met, for the first time, in a wine room where they discussed the rules of carrying firearms in Abilene. They left the meeting as friends, and John Wesley was given a privilege that no other cowboys would get to enjoy. He wore his guns for all to see. On August 6, 1871 he fled Kansas, for Texas after accidentally killing a man in the hotel room next door. On January 11, 1872, John Wesley returned to Gonzales, where he met Jane Bowen at his cousin Jim Clements wedding. They were married on February 29, 1872 by a Methodist minister and Justice of the Peace) Thomas F. Rainey. She was 14 years old and John Wesley was 18. In April 1872, two months after the wedding, John Wesley left for two weeks to head to the King Ranch in South Texas, 175 miles from Gonzales, to conduct business. Upon leaving the King Ranch, Hardin remembered he had â€Å"one of the prettiest and sweetest girls in the county as his wife. † (Metz). He arrived home around 4 am that morning. On June 5, 1872, he left again for Louisiana to sell some horses, but while in Hemphill he got into an altercation with a local law enforcement officer, so he sold the horses there and went to his uncle Barnett’s’ in Polk County. By August of 1872, at the age of 19, Hardin had killed 29 men. John Wesley and Jane’s first child, Mary Elizabeth, was born 6th February 1873, when Jane was 15 years old. Their second child, John Wesley Hardin Jr. , was born 3 August 1875, and their third child, Jane Martina, was born 15 July 1877. Whatever her faults or her degree of naivete, Jane Bowen Hardin was an articulate young lady that maintained a strong love and defense of her husband. On May 26th 1874, at 21 years of age, John Wesley Hardin arrived in Comanche Texas, where Browne County Deputy Sheriff Charles Webb had come with 15 men to kill him. He met Deputy Webb outside the saloon where he asked him if he had any papers for his arrest and Deputy Webb replied that he did not have any papers for his arrest. John Wesley invited Deputy Webb to go into the saloon with him for a drink and cigar. When John Wesley turned around to go in the door, he heard someone shout, and as he turned he saw Deputy Webb go for his gun to shoot him in the back. Hardin drew and fired his gun hitting Deputy Brown in the head killing him, but not before he got a shot off that hit Wesley and wounded him. On 23rd July 1877, he was arrested for the murder of Brown County Deputy Charles Webb, three years after it happened. John Wesley Hardin left Austin jail in September of 1877, for Comanche, Texas, which was some 160 miles away, to stand trial for murder. He was found guilty of second degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years of hard labor in the state penitentiary at Huntsville. He arrived there 5th October 1878. During his prison term, he studied law and passed the bar exam. It was also during this time that his wife Jane died, on 6th November 1892. John Wesley was released from prison 17th February 1894, and was granted a gull pardon and his citizenship restored by Governor of Texas, J. S. Hogg. After his release, he joined his children in Gonzales where he began to practice law On 8 January 1895, he married his second wife Callie Lewis, of London Texas. She was 15 ? and he was 41. Within a week of their marriage, he sent her back to be with her parents. They never divorced nor had the marriage annulled. He moved to El Paso, Texas where he opened a law practice. John Wesley got into an argument with a local lawman named John Selman Jr. , when he arrested his girlfriend for illegally carrying a pistol. Hardin in his quiet and deadly way threatened to kill him. Selman’s father new John Wesley’s reputation as a fast and lethal gunfighter, having killed over forty men. So, fearing for his sons’ life, John Selman Sr, decided to take the law into his own hands and permanently stop Hardin from carrying out his threat. So, it was on 19th August 1895, in the Acme Saloon in El Paso, Texas, somewhere between 11pm and midnight that John Wesley Hardin, Texas’ most notorious gunfighter in American history life came to an end, shot in the back of the head while his back was turned, by John Selman Sr, while he was rolling dice at the bar. He never had the slightest chance to defend himself. Do I believe John Wesley Hardin was a cold blooded killer? No I don’t. I believe he was a product of the times and was very self aware with a strong sense of survival. I also believe he only killed, in self defense, those that needed killing Rest in Peace John Wesley Hardin Works Cited Hardin, John Wesley. â€Å"The Life of John Wesley Hardin. † General Books, 2009. 3. Metz, Leon. â€Å"John Wesley Hardin: Dark Angel of Texas. † Metz, Leon. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma press, 1996. Foreward page 2.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lighthouse of Alexandria

The upper platform at night burning a fire fed with wood and resin. Legend has it that Stratton sought for a long time for the foundation, a material that resists salt water, and finally built the tower of giant blocks of glass. In 1373 an earthquake destroyed the remains of the tower. Its ruins have been searched in vain. (Dunn). Illustrious memory of that great era was for many centuries, the famous lighthouse of Alexandria. Sailing near the coast, on foggy days and at night, made necessary the placement of large permanent fixtures In certain ports and cables on the Mediterranean coast.At the time the deal Is for Just one of the most Important works of the ancients, considered In those days as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I mean the great lighthouse of Alexandria. It seems that this name should be the beacon of the small island where they raised at the entrance of the harbor, and later served to name the sites and devices that have since been constructed for the same purp ose. Plink and other ancient authors describe the magnificent building which was built northwest of the island of Pharaohs, during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphia, n the years 285 to 247 SC.Its builder was Stratton of Census, son of DimГ ¶crates, who, in turn, had been an architect of Alexander. (Ministry of culture). On a large block of glass is not attacked by the sea â€Å", there stood a white marble tower, divided into smaller and smaller bodies to reach the 160 meters [Dries speaks of 55 to 65 meters; others raise It to 183]. (Ashman). At the top was a large brazier, 11th day and night, with a kind of lens-shaped mirror, which was put before the call to send light rays to greater distance.In the basement of the great work you read the Inscription: Stratton of Census, son of DimГ ¶crates, the saviors, for those who sail the sea. The Arabs continued to use the famous lighthouse after conquering Egypt in the ninth century of our era. An emperor of Constantinople, t o hinder the navigation of those, decided to destroy it, but, lacking the strength to oppose against the caliph, owner of the country, went to the craft. He sent an emissary to the powerful AY-Wald, with the slogan of thinking it was a great treasure at the base of the very high tower.The caliph ordered its demolition, until, warned, perhaps, misleading, destructive work was suspended when she had done for the most part. An earthquake happened in 1375 consummated the destruction of the wonderful work due to Stratton of Unkind. (A. CalmNZ-Land). As If sensing that something was coming to an end, Alexandria kept the world's largest library, a library that tried to preserve â€Å"that was his ambition, all human knowledge. Next to It and above It stood the lighthouse. Next to the lighthouse were the markets and docks and warehouses.Alongside them, the tomb AT Alexander, rater ten palaces AT Kilns Ana queens slang, ten world's TLS synagogues, temples of the esoteric sects, the accounti ng of the merchants, brothels and shops, perfect palaces bleached the richest citizens and then rows of large churches, each with rowdy monks and bones of martyrs, and one of them with the relics of the San Marco's. And all this time, the big city, devouring ran as fast as a machine its daily course, and his career was much harder and much farther reaching Han many older cities.In his day, and if the day was very long, Alexandria was the most exciting place on earth. (Clement) Of all the cities that Alexander founded Alexandria in Egypt was the greatest of all (Whiten). As Caesar himself wrote (and Caesar fought and nearly died in Alexandria), Egypt was the door of the lighthouse beacon that soars and was the symbol of commerce and energy of the city, and also the symbol of the seizure order Alexandra urban planted throughout the ancient East. Noon and Elizabeth Roomer)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Paper on Sq3R

SQ3R The SQ3R strategy (which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) was developed by Robinson (1961) to provide a structured approach for students to use when studying content material. This strategy has proven to be effective and versatile and can easily be integrated into many content areas and across grade levels. Students develop effective study habits by engaging in the pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading steps of this strategy. The SQ3R literacy strategy helps enhance comprehension and retention of information. It is metacognitive in nature in that it is a self-monitoring process. 1.Survey (1 minute): Before beginning reading look through the whole chapter. See what the headings are — the major ones and the subheadings; hierarchical structures seem to be particularly easy for our brains to latch onto — check for introductory and summary paragraphs, references, etc. Resist reading at this point, but see if you can identify 3 to 6 major ideas in the chapter. 2. Question (usually less than 30 seconds): Ask yourself what this chapter is about: What is the question that this chapter is trying to answer? Or — along the curiosity lines — What question do I have that this chapter might help answer?Repeat this process with each subsection of the chapter, as well, turning each heading into a question. 3. Read (slower for some of us than others! ): Read one section at a time looking for the answer to the question proposed by the heading! This is active reading and requires concentration so find yourself a place and time where you can concentrate. 4. Recite/write (about a minute): Say to yourself (I do this out loud so I have to study where I don't embarrass myself) or write down (I sometimes do this in the margins of the book itself ) a key phrase that sums up the major point of the section and answers the question.It is important to use your own words, not just copy a phrase from the book. Research shows that we re member our own (active) connections better than ones given to us (passive), indeed that our own hierarchies are generally better than the best prefab hierarchies. 5. Review (less than 5 minutes): After repeating steps 2-4 for each section you have a list of key phrases that provides a sort of outline for the chapter. Test yourself by covering up the key phrases and seeing if you can recall them. Do this right after you finish reading the chapter. If you can't recall one of your major oints, that's a section you need to reread. Many students don’t know how to study, and this strategy is a perfect way to help them. It works well in many content areas with a variety of types of text. It is recommended that the teacher show the students how to go through the steps. In the fifth grade science lesson found later in this chapter, this strategy provides the framework needed to develop a concept map. WORKS CITED Robinson, Francis Pleasant. (1970) Effective study (4th ed. ). New York: Harper ; Row. Halawa, O 2010 November 12, SQ3R Reading Strategy, 08/12/10, http://www. premisemarketing. com/work/approach/

Friday, September 27, 2019

Youth Within the Juvenile Justice System Research Paper

Youth Within the Juvenile Justice System - Research Paper Example This report stresses that juvenile correction is defined as a part of the juvenile justice continuum that involves safe and temporary custody of juveniles whose alleged behavior is subject to a court jurisdiction and requires an environment that is restricted for community’s and their protection as they await legal action. This paper makes a conclusion that mediation, restoration, and apology can be used with an intention to satisfy the feelings of the victims of committed crimes. Thus, restorative justice that is justified by the benefits they result in is another important way of training juvenile corrections. Adopting the theory of punishment as a way of communicating with the children using punitive measures is another way that juvenile correction is trained. This involves the community, parents and youth correctional officers. the juvenile corrections are confronting with the challenge of space. This has been one very difficult challenge facing both the administrators and the practitioners. In some cases, underestimation of future admissions has always led to overcrowding and inaccessible facilities. The juvenile corrections lack adequate human resource personnel. This has contributed to a rise in recidivism among the juveniles. There is the need for skills training officers, psychiatrists to mana ge anger and mental health problem, vocational training officers, among other technical areas that will address the problem of these young people.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Italian Cuisines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Italian Cuisines - Essay Example The first course (primi or minestra) can be a risotto, a soup, or pasta served in a broth or sauced. No matter what is served first, it is served in a bowl, and it always, always precedes the meat, fish, or fowl course. When dining out in Italy, the choice of a second course is made after you've eaten the first course. This way, a diner can evaluate the experience of the first course and decide on its best counterpoint for the second. One or two vegetable dishes (contorno) often round out this course. For example, "fish" is the theme of this meal composed by Marcella Hazan. The antipasto is tiny boiled shrimp served warm and seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley. Next (primi) comes a squid and clam risotto to make "peppery comments." Then (secondi), a turbot baked with potatoes and garlic is served. After the turbot, a bitter salad of radicchio and field greens cleanses the palate. The closing course is fresh fruit sliced and served in wine. The Mediterranean diet is all the rage these days - it has a reputation for being sinfully delicious while possessing the virtue of being extremely healthful. Yet when asked to define it, many folks have hard time coming up with a good description. Not surprising. Any country contiguous with the Mediterranean Sea, from Morocco to Greece and from Spain to Israel, can rightly claim that its cuisine qualifies as a form of the Mediterranean diet. Indeed there are hundreds perhaps thousands of variations of the Mediterranean diet as micro-cuisines vary from village to village. In Italy alone there are subtle nuances that distinguish the cuisines of different regions and villages. Roman, Tuscan, Ligurian, Neapolitan and Sicilian cuisine, to name handful of broad categories, are all variations on the Italian version of the Mediterranean Diet. It is the south/central Italian version of the Mediterranean diet, which we will focus on in this course. It is among the healthiest of all Mediterranean cuisines, and we believe is the most delicious. Despite the many variations of the Mediterranean diet, there are some common characteristics that are found in all the healthiest versions. Perhaps the single most important feature that unites all these cuisines is olive oil. It is a vehicle for the tastes that permeate these cuisines and it is the elixir of health that makes them so beneficial. Olive oil is the source of almost all fat in the health Mediterranean diet, there is very little saturated fat from meat and not many other vegetable oils either. Not only is olive oil a beneficial monounsaturated fat, it carries many important anti-oxidants along with it. But perhaps the most important characteristic is simply that it makes vegetables taste absolutely delicious. This encourages the avid consumption of vegetables that is so characteristic of the healthy Mediterranean diet. Broccoli, spinach, tomatoes (technically a fruit), and scores of other vegetables and plant foods have, individually and collectively, been associated with lower

Annexation, Land Use Change, and Landscape Impact Dissertation

Annexation, Land Use Change, and Landscape Impact - Dissertation Example Thus the main aim of the paper is study the use of land policies for the betterment of the society. The global change has serious consequences on different landscapes. With increasingly changing environment and urgent global concerns every nation and community stands at the juncture of growing and evolving, keeping in pace with the environmental change which is critical. The competing visions of the future create the dilemma in many different ways. The type of places people of a community try to inhabit and the environment they leave behind for their future generations bring forth this dilemma. The landscapes and the nature are the factors that sustain the living of the human generation and also the life cycle of other species on the planet. The ideal future for the planet will be one in which the consumption and the use of land are done sparingly and where people cherish the landscapes. The future of the towns and the cities are expected to be vibrant as well as compact along with being green. The economic bases of the society are also expected to be restorative both environmenta lly and socially along with being viable. The ultimate vision of these theories is to result in the creation of an environment by the human community containing enduring values. People should ultimately be proud of the landscape and the environment they are about to leave for the next generations (Beatley & Manning, 1997, pp. 1-2). Carl Sauer, a born geographer was considered to be the grandfather of the theories of landscapes. He was the profounder of what can be called the ethics of land. According to the profounder it is the responsibility of human community to focus on the sustainability of the world environment and the earth for the well being of both the present as well as that of the future generations. An aesthetic rationale for the environmental progress has been given by Carl Sauer.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Setting a Home Network Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Setting a Home Network - Term Paper Example Besides the easy handling of the XP ICS, by the XP computer as the ICS host the other benefit is using the internet connection Firewall. 3. Choice of a network technology The commonly available choices are the Ethernet and wireless LANs. When using an Ethernet LAN its essential to have the network interface card, or the NIC that ought to be fitted in each computer and then run the cabling between the computers. Just in case you don’t find the idea of opening the computer to fit/or to install the network card good for you, then get yourself a USB adaptor to assist you. Considering the size of the network, you may also find it necessary to have a network hub or router to provide interconnection between the PCs on the LAN. Two PCs can get by using an RJ-45 crossover cable; three or more computers require a hub or a multi – speed hub (also called a switch). For high – speed internet connection, a high – speed router is a good option. If you decide to have a wi reless LAN as your choice, you may also need an NIC for each and every PC (although there are versions that use USB adaptors as well) the major advantage of home environments is that a wireless LAN eliminates the need for cabling. Although on the contrary wireless LANs tend to be slower, less robust and most likely more expensive than the traditional Ethernet LANs. Wireless LANs particularly do not live up to their stated working range and you may encounter factors such as your construction and design in your home, in addition to interference from other devices which affect the performance of your wireless LAN. You may also need to add an expensive Access point to be able to extend the range of the LAN and more so it may not be sufficient. What is essential here is that if you make a choice of going wireless route, then ensure that the store will refund your money if the LAN will proof not to be reliable in performance within the range specified. 4. Make a list of hardware needed Co me up with a list that outlines the hardware you need for each computer, without forgetting any cabling, and purchase them. If you find it a little dazzling to make an appropriate choice and the configurations, then consider purchasing a networking kit. This kind of kits contain all that is needed to set up a two or three Pc network. If it’s possible, then look up for hardware that contains the Windows XP logo that indicates its fully compatible with XP. 5. Install the adaptors. Make an installation of the network adaptors and also install your modem on the ICS host computer(you may also let the computers connect to the internet independently by installing modems on each one of them) 6. Cable the computers Physically cable the computers and hubs or routers together, as usual you may not need to undertake this if you have decided to use the wireless option. When installing an Ethernet network and you have a lot of cabling work to be done then its preferable that you get a prof essional to come in and do this kind of work for you. It may not be cheap but to ensure that the work is perfectly done with minimal damage done to the walls, ceilings and the floors. 7. Switch it on Power all computers, printers and other peripherals. 8. Connect the ICS host Get to the ICS host computer and ensure it’s connected to the internet. 9. Run the network setup Wizard on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Online shopping Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online shopping - Research Paper Example mer premise, a major characteristic of online shopping provides a possibility of the transfer of customers shopping travels to a more effective products transportation that at the end has the possibility of producing constructive results on sustainability, use of land as well as mode of travel choices. The fact that online shopping is more popular in big towns and cities means that it will thus act as an incentive for the required changes in these cities that face the most obstacles for logistics (Cairns, 2005). There is a lot of controversy regarding the effects of online shopping on road use and the overall changes in consumers travel habits and the impacts of the changes. Some studies indicate good or desirable effects on road use while others indicate negative results with a final group indicating net neutral results. However, a good number of this research indicate that with the increasing popularity and expansion of online shopping, coupled with the adoption of the necessary changes required then online shopping is going to be the solution for most of the transport challenges we experience in our towns and cities (Cairns, 2005). In spite of transportation policy and regulations, online shopping continues to expand as more and more people accepts the system. Despite the fact that, business to business section dominates online shopping in terms of money value of all the completed transactions, the business to consumer section remains very vital for the possible effects on travel habits, patterns of land use, logistics in cities as well as the effects on sustainability. The highest level of efficiency in the use of roads and other transportation facilities is achievable through restructuring and reorganizing the transportation activities linked to business transactions (Hu and Saleh, 2005). There is the need to find out how the changes in the manner of conducting online shopping will influence the efficiency and the overall contribution towards a more

Monday, September 23, 2019

Nursing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Assignment - Essay Example (Delaune 2006, p. 4). Female nurses, on the other hand, dominate the nursing profession. Females are also the gender being first thought by the public when nursing profession is being talked about. Both of these gender reported inequalities in different health care settings in terms of strength, knowledge and skills, as well as salary issues. But of all gender-related equality issues, the effect of Florence Nightingale to the image of nursing profession affects the male population more. Men have fared in a profession traditionally dominated by women and most of the male population suffered from gender inequality. Most of the nursing care during eleventh to thirteenth centuries was rendered by men. It was not until late nineteenth century that females dominated the nursing profession. Florence Nightingale created a big impact in excluding men from the field of nursing. Nightingale’s work had proved that nursing is a profession fit for the female discipline. Florence Nightingale left behind the contributions of men in nursing and view men’s role as physical support aid or a patient’s assistant. The Industrial Revolution also plays a role in the exit of men from nursing. During this time, science-related profession such as medicine shall be taken by the male population and nursing to the female population (Chitty 2005, p. 71). In late 1800, Mills Nursing School for Men in New York and McLean Asylum Training School in Massachusetts were the first two nursing schools established for men. The only field being considered for them is psychiatric nursing because this requires strength and stamina. In 1901 and 1908, the US Congress established the Army Nurse Corpse and Navy Nurse Corpse. However, this was restricted to women so men find it difficult to enter the military nursing. In addition, during 1941, only 68 out of 1,303 schools accepted men as nursing student (Chitty 2005, p. 71). After World War II, the efforts of men to join the field of nurs ing were recognized. GI Bill helped to increase the number of male students by providing funds for education and training. Men entering nursing schools increase after the World War II. Men have truly suffered from gender inequality It is evident from nursing leaders influence, public perception, school discrimination, and military restrictions. In the contemporary age, there are also cases of gender inequality throughout the world but there are no restrictions for male nurses in whatever field in nursing they would like to take. Men can choose from several nursing schools today without fear of being rejected. The public also views both men and women as part of the nursing profession with men, being equally caring, competitive, and compassionate as women. Gender inequality issues still occur in some areas but with the influence of contemporary era, cases reported were minimal. Nursing profession of today does not look into gender differences but to the knowledge, skills, and motivati on related to nursing care. Nursing Image: Professional Nurses Dress Code The professional nurses’ dress code reflects the nursing image. During the early times, one can easily distinguish a person belonging to the nurse profession. But now, the public found it difficult to know who exactly are the registered nurses. The New York Training School for Nurses at Bellevue Hospital was the first school to adopt a standard uniform for student nurses. In

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Rape of Lucretia Essay Example for Free

The Rape of Lucretia Essay Roman culture was largely based on the citizens’ honor. Honor was one of the most important aspects of a Roman citizen’s life. Honor was very important to Roman society. Lucretia displayed her honor in two ways, first she served Sextus Tarquinius and his men, and then she killed herself after being raped by Sextus Tarquinius, the son of the king. â€Å"I will absolve myself of blame, and I will not free myself from punishment. No women shall use Lucretia as her example of dishonor. † Conlatinus tried to persuade her saying she did not have to kill herself and she had done no wrong. She could not live with herself because she was violated. â€Å"They promised her that they would pursue him, and they tried to appease her sorrow, saying that it was the soul that did no wrong and not the body, and because she had no intention, she did no wrong.† They tried to tell her she had done nothing wrong, that she had no intention to be raped, but that failed. â€Å"Then she took up the knife which she had hidden beneath her robe, and plunged it through her heart.† Conlatinus, her husband, knelt by her side. She would have died a dishonorable woman if she did not kill herself. Also by killing herself, she could not be used as a source of dishonor and shame for Roman society. Brutus then took the knife and said â€Å"By this blood, which was so pure before the crime of the prince, I swear before you, O gods, to chase the King Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, with his criminal wife and all their offspring, by fire, iron, and all the methods I have at my disposal, and never to tolerate Kings in Rome evermore, whether of that family of any other.† He used this as an example to end the reign of Kings in Rome. This showed vast honor, promising to avenge his friend’s wife by pursuing the king’s entire family for the horrible crime Sextus committed.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fonterra Cooporative Group Limited globalization and competitive

Fonterra Cooporative Group Limited globalization and competitive In this report is are discussing about the how the Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (Fonterra) can gain the competitive advantage in the market and what strategies has been adopted by the Fonterra company through globalization, under the finding of this report it will evaluated the SWOT analysis of Fonterra company ,by using the SWOT analysis how Fonterra can clearly know the companys key business structure and operations, history and products, strength ,weakness ,Opportunity and weakness ,beside that it also discuss about the porter five forces about how Fonterra have adopted the strategies to gain the competitive advantages in global market and how Fonterra compete with the competitor . Beside that this report also discuss about how the Fonterra adopted the total quality management, brand strategies, product repositioning and supply chain in order to sustain it success in long term Some research has been done to write this report. All the research sources are based on book, website, journal articles, and media articles. The information from the sources helped to discover how Fonterra the increase the market share in some market such as using alliances strategies in some high competitive market ,how to repositioning to gain more market share and how their establish the brand into the consumer mindset 1.0 History of Fonterra Company Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (Fonterra) owned by New Zealand dairy farmers and it representing 96 per cent of all dairy farmers in the country. As we know the Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited was established in year 2001 from the merger of the two largest cooperatives which is New Zealand Dairy Group and Kiwi Co-operative Dairies. ( through the merging within 2 companies, Fonterra gaining the monopoly control of the New Zealand domestic and export dairy industry. The headquartered of Fonterra the office is in and employs 15,600 people. Beside that Fonterra supplies nearly 40percent of the global whole milk powder (WMP) market ( and with revenue exceeding NZ$16 billion and they become one of the worlds largest dairy companies. The operating profit in year 2009 was was NZ$922 million as comp ares to the year 2008 the operating profit have been increased around NZ$ 324million .and the net income in year 2009 also increased around 73% compared to year 2008 which is NZ$244 million.( As we know Fonterra is a supplier of dairy products and dairy ingredients. It principally engages in collection, manufacture and sale of milk and milk derived products. The company supplies value added dairy products to the customers around the world. In addition it also provides dairy ingredients which include, ready-to-serve beverages, butter, ready-to-serve creams, yoghurt, cheese, milk, ice cream, desserts and.  Its ingredients are used to manufacture a wide range of dairy products for markets around the world. We know that Fonterra is a dairy and dairy ingredients supplier. It is mainly engaged in the collection, manufacturing, and milk and dairy derivative product sales. The company offers value-added dairy products to customers worldwide. In addition, it provides dairy ingredients which include ready to drink beverages, butter, ready to serve cream, cheese, milk, yogurt, desserts, pre-proofed frozen pastry, and ice cream.a its ingredients are used in the manufacture of a wide range of milk Products in world markets. Some of the brand of Fonterra product we can easily found in market such as BROWNES, Anlene, FERNLEAF, ANCHOR, SOPROLE and TIP  TOP. (^ Leo Paul Dana, Jason Schoeman (2010). An Entrepreneurial Innovation: Mega Cooperatives. Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 4 (1): 67-88. 2.0 SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis can essential the sources for top level company data and information .by using the SWOT analysis we can inspects the structure of business and the operation of the company .beside that it also will provides summary analysis of the main source of revenue lines and strategy and also the key competitors and major products and services. The figure 1.0 below is the analysis the SWOT of Fonterra company Strength Have the stable and secures supply of the milk resources in long term even the global demand is outstripping supply because of the uniqueness shareholder relationship within the farmer Due to the Fonterra is merging from 2 large of company of the large company in New Zealand so they pursue growth of the economic scale with the various resources. New Zealand is a higher productivity environmental for daily product. Large number expertise worker within the industry in the company. Weaknesses Due to the relationship of the supply is the vital of company to secure supply of the milk resources. The competitor could be pinch the supplier with the better price. Because of the merge the company the resources and infrastructure are overlapping and got resistance o restructure and relocation the infrastructure and resources Too reliable on climate and ecology .less efficiencies of the productivity compare to competitor. Opportunity They can reduce the barriers of entry in most market. WTO trade negotiations due to the lowest cost suppliers. The can increase the clean green image and value added of nutrition of it product. Threat Some of the country may increase the tariffs to protect the local suppliers. Some of supplying competitor may start to adopt more global Strategy. The legal and media crisis due to some issue. Too rely on exchange rates 2.1 Porters five forces analysis Porters five forces is a one of the strategies which can analysis the existing market and business strategy. By using these strategies Fonterra Company can develop effective strategies to raise your profitability, power, and competitive and understanding the competitive forces in your industry. 2.1.1 New Entrants Due to the de-regulated market structure of New Zealand and them also one of the member of the free trade country. In this way they might attract entrants competitor who are based for export oriented supply and processing .most of the Participants are mostly of the global entrants who preferring the low cost supplier nation with strategy of increasing export share. 2.1.2 Supplier Fonterra having the advantages in cost of items bought from suppliers because the have uniqueness shareholder relationship within the farmer. in the way the can get the lower cost supply and due to the relationship even the global demand outstrips supply of the milk resources they also will get the stable supply in long term. Beside that they also increase the efficiency of production in certain country such as India, china, Poland. For example they expending farm operation to increase production in china due to the current supply of high quality fresh milk cannot keep up with the demand of the current market for more information it can refer to 2.1.3 Buyer Buyer is plays an important role in the market because they is the one who create the demand in an industry .as we know dairy product is a standardized product .Fonterra are facing the volatile price of the dairy product because of the changes in supply and demand of the product this is because most of the consumer are changing the eating habit beside that due to the floods in the dairy producing country it already affect the global stock. So they introduce a new online sales channel for its dairy commodities which can quickly notice to the price change of the dairy product. ( 2.1.4 Substitutes Dairy milk is a natural product how ever it also got some substitutes for it product such as soya milk, goat milk and other it will affect the demanding of the milk product in this way it might affect the profit of the Fonterra Company 2.1.5 Internal rivalry As a global company, Fonterra have to compete with the competitor such as Nestle, Kraft and other which are the global operation industry and rapid growth in the share market. Even a Fonterra company is a merge from the 2 large in New Zealand but they also face the threat from the global competitor because they might using the free trade to increasingly global market strategies .Fonterra have been consolidate dairy resources in the industry by being merged into larger and more efficient competitor . 2.2 Total Quality Management (TQM) Because fonterra is daily industry, the hygiene and health of the product should be awareness so that quality of the product are important to them because it might affect the image of the company if some customer was food positioning after taking the companys product .so the internal quality control of the product are plays an important role to build the competitive advantages in the market and also meet the customer satisfaction .Total Quality Management (TQM )system have been introduce to their company. Through the TQM they can increase the ISO accreditation because this is one of the ways for them to control the quality of the product. By this way company will have high confident to their product and also can easily get the trust from the customer as well for example New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra said Wednesday it is 100 percent confident in its milk supplies to a Chinese company under investigation over claims of tainted milk powder. (WELLINGTON, 2010)appendix 1 because of the TQM system they will highly defined the procedure and standards of their product. Beside that they also provided the training to all the staff evens the truck driver they also ensure they are well train and professional driver and meet the industry standard. 2.3 Strategies Repositioning Business repositioning is a critical marketing concept that is often only poorly understood. Most businesses will benefit greatly from some careful thought about strategic repositioning and product repositioning ( for the Fonterra they are keep on investing in the consumer product division ,new Zealand milk well this is an option or decision from Fonterra .but in this way the core supply competencies of Fonterra will be overlook . We know that Fonterra is a unique export-oriented global cooperation. They have won because of its experience in and knowledge of organizational respect for the dairy industry. In Asian countries, Fonterra has been re-positioning their Anlene product with the new clinically test which is protect bone strength within 4 week if women are drank 2 glass of Anlene hi calcium milk a days which able to reduces the amount of bone loss in post-menopausal after 4 week .thought the research Fonterra company has spent more than us$50 million on bone health research and it has conducted 18 clinical trials relating to bone health. In Indonesia Fonterra have gained the market share risk from 43% to 72% of the high calcium milk adult dairy product category and it become the market leader of the high calcium milk adult dairy product category across Asia and has experienced a 15% increase in growth this financial year 2009 due to the repositioning of the product Fonterras Anlene gets boost in Asia. ( 2.4 Supply Chain The supply chain can be define as the a collection of activities and organizations involved in moving products for example, raw materials from one point such as a manufacturers facility to another such as a customers distribution center. It includes the exchange of both material and associated information flows for example, shipment notices. ( From the supply chain analysis, Fonterra can how and where the product resources from and how and where their selling end product. We know that Fonterra dairy is owned by the dairy farmers in New Zealand .they got approximately 13,000 milk suppliers and they also one of the shareholder of the company .beside the shareholders milk supply .Fonterra also got other addition milk supplier where from the other country such as dairy America and DFA from the united state, Nestle from the America,Bonlac from Austria and other because Fonterra is a international dairy companies. Fonterra have 80 plants around the world which for processing and manufacturing the resources. Beside that they also got 3 main research and development plants which at Massey (New Zealand), Mexico and Germany. Fonterra is a worlds largest multinational food companies and they have a good global distribution network for distribute the end product to whole world because they have been exported milk out of New Zealand around 20 year ago. They are exported the end product to Asia Middle East, Africa due to the high demand of the dairy product. Due to the production of dairy product is much more then the demand on it country. Fonterra are more widespread to use of rail to shipping their products throughout the country. This will enable us to get more frequent, flexible and reliable shipping options by this way it can give their customers greater confidence that our products can be delivered on time. In order to gain the market share and competitive advantages in the high competitive market .Fonterra are alliances with existing national dairy company in country to expanding dairy market. By using the alliance strategies they can expend dairy market in the country with the minimum cost. For example they have announce that a new joint venture in the United Kingdoms highly-competitive yellow fats market thought the alliances they establishment a new company that to be responsible for distributing and market of the product of ANCHOR brand in the UK country domestic market and developing the new product for the yellow fats market in British Isles and EU respectively. Fonterra mainly have divided the market place into 4 channels due to wide product range the four channels which is foodservice channels which is restaurants, hotels, bakeries. Retail channels such as supermarket, wholesalers, by product channels such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and consumer channel which is milk powder, cheese, yogurts and other. Each channel has different demand on the dairy product. ( (Chen, I. J., Paulraj, A. (2004): Towards a theory of supply chain management: the constructs and measurements. In: Journal of Operations Management, 22/2: 119-150) 2.5 Branding Strategies By using the branding strategies Fonterra can understand the customer preferences and expectations from the brand beside that it also can make you product different from other product .thought the branding it can build a strong position on the product and make it become more unique ,sustainable and valued place in customer mind . A good brand strategy builds the customer loyalty which customer will continue purchase your product without reflect on the price. Fonterra are dividend their consumer business into three major regions which is Australia and New Zealand, Africa, Asia , Middle East and Latin America and it bring compound annual growth rate around 20% for the last four year By using the branding strategies it bring the growth at 4-5 % per annum in the Asia Middle East and the market price is worth NZD$12.5 billion .by the estimate the consumption of the Fonterra product will continuing raise due to Asia and Middle East are starting focus on their health and wellness. The most successful product brand strategy in the Asia and Middle East is Anlene. As we know the Anlene was create in year 1991 in Asia which are the high calcium milk to maintain the strength of the bone and prevent the osteoporosis, by the successful brand strategies today Anlene has bringing in over $320 million per year which represent almost one-fifth of the total sales revenue in the Asia country .Fonterra have invest around $2-3 million annually on bone health research and looking how to develop new format and formulation of the Anlene product. A research report from the International Osteoporosis Foundation showed that 286 million people in China will suffer from osteoporosis or low bone mass by 2020, and this figure may rise to 533 million by this way they have launched the Anlene in china market. Instead of earning money they also conducted over 3 million bone scans in Asia country since 2006 beside that the also educated the consumer the risk of the osteoporosis and how to prevent it. For example they provided a free service to Malaysian consumer about the bone health check and beside that some of the consultant will give the advice on the consumer about what is going on and how to overcome the situation .for more information it can refer to appendix 1 Beside the milk powder of Anlene product, the Anlene Concentrate also have launched in the Asia country to target on different segmentation consumer .to build a good reputation of the Anlene product beside education some knowledge consumer and the boned check service they also hired Michelle Yeoh which is the action movie star in Asia and become spoke person of its product .it this way they manage to sell Anlene with the premium brand with is 30-50% expensive compare to the normal milk. ( ( à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ireland, R D, Hoskission, R E Hitt, MA 2009, The management of strategy concepts, 8th edn, South-Western Cengage Learning, USA à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Singh, K, Pangarkar, N Heracleous, L 2010, Business strategy in Asia a case book, 3rd edn, Cengage Learning Asia, Singapor 3.0 Recommendation

Friday, September 20, 2019

The formation of friction ridge skin

The formation of friction ridge skin The formation of friction ridge skin and how it relates to the permanence of fingerprints A large part of the human body is protected by a layer of skin that is reasonably free from difficulties or impediments. Friction Ridges can be found on our fingers, the bottom of our feet and on the palms of our hands. They are called friction ridges is because one of their main functions is to help us easily take hold of objects (Girard, 2008). The friction ridges deposits things like sweat and other types of contaminants directly to any surface that it comes in contact with. The impression which is left behind is an exact reproduction of the part of friction ridge skin that touched the surface. A lot of times the impression cannot be seen with the naked eye so hence the reason why it is called a latent print, which means that the print is there but not clear to the vision (Keogh, 2001). During the third to fourth month of the development of a fetus fingerprints are distinguished. These fingerprints are made up of individual traits known as bifurcations, ridge endings, dots and many other ridge shape differences. Single kinship of individual distinguishing trait does not change throughout an individuals life, until the individual dies and the body decomposes (Keogh, 2001). After the fingerprint of the infant is formed, the growing ridges are a lot like taking a pen and drawing a face on a balloon then blowing up the balloon to see if the face will open up consistently in all different directions. Perverse alterations to fingerprints include cuts or injuries that are very deep and penetrating all layers of the outer epithelial layer of the skin and other diseases like leprosy (Girard, 2008). Except for if an individual has any type of cuts, or scarring on the fingers their prints never change and there is no similarity between two fingerprints. The lines on the hands and feet of all individuals have three characteristics (ridge endings, bifurcations and dots) which are evident in sequences that never recur on the feet and hands of any two individuals. A ridge ending is merely the end of a line (also known as an ending ridge). A split of an individual ridge that is shaped into two is known as a bifurcation. A short ridge that is similar to a dot is called a dot. Up until recently these two premises has been introduced as three propositions. The first is that before birth friction ridges are developed on the unborn. Secondly, there is no change of friction ridges as an individual age and throughout their lifetime with the exception for scars left permanently from an accident or serious injury. Thirdly, the patterns and details in areas that are very small on friction ridge s are unlike any other and are never recurring What is the scientific method, and how is this theory applied to fingerprint analysis? The scientific method also known as ACE-V is the abbreviation for the analysis or modified version of the scientific method that is followed by friction ridge examiners: Analyzing, Comparing, Evaluating, Verifying. The first time that ACE-V was used for physical evidence was in 1960 and ridge detail in 1980. Inspector Roy A. Huber, RCMP, developed the ACE-V process and Sergeant David Ashbaugh, RCMP, made this process popular among the friction ridge identification field. Analyze The first step which is analysis, compels the expert to test and dissect all variables that has an affect on the friction ridge characteristics in question. Once latent fingerprints are being tested there are quite a few factors that one has to be considered and probed into. Some of these factors are the material upon which the latent print has been placed, the process of development, pressure distortion, and elements on the outside like blood and grease. The amount and type of latent print ridges has an effect on the testers competence to carry out the next phase. The end of the analysis process determines whether there is sufficient information existing to go on to the next step (Jones, 2006). Compare The process of comparing bring into play the known model with which the latent print must be compared. At this particular point, there is also another aspect of analysis occurring. This analyzing is of the known model in an effort to bring about the suitability for achieving the end result set out in the information above. There is a possibility that the recognized model may have fingerprint images that had too much ink, or was smudged so therefore it was not reliable, stopping a comparison from being definitive. The process of comparison starts with determining the overall ridge circulation and fit in an effort to orient in a proper manner the latent print with an accompanying area of the known model fingerprint. This is usually followed by choosing key traits, understanding their position, trend and relationship and then showing the differences of this structure with the structure in the known models. The type and amount of this information directly affects how easy or di fficult the process is (Jones, 2006). Evaluate The conclusion of the comparing is the evaluating process or making a conclusion. The overall fingerprint society refers to the end result drawn as being one of three options. First, the two characteristics (the latent and the known print) were made by the exact finger of the same individual. Second, the latent characteristic has not been produced by any of the fingers of the model fingerprints. And thirdly, an ending of the comparing could not be accomplished, and this is due to the fact that there is not enough clarity or the lack of area to be compared in the known models. (Jones, 2006). Verify The final process is verification. The overall guide is that the process of establishing identity must be confirmed by another individual or expert who is qualified. This process of confirmation by a second examiner is a self governing test of both fingerprint characteristic (latent fingerprint and known model fingerprint) applying the scientific procedures of analysis, comparison and evaluation described above (Jones, 2006). There have been some recent challenges in New Hampshire vs. Richard Langill and Maryland vs. Bryan Rose. These two cases have pinpointed a couple of issues that are important for the latent print community: documentation and the rate of error. Each step of the ACE-V process or its equivalent needs better. In order to rebuild that analysis, enough documents are needed. By documenting the relevant information gathered during the analyzing, evaluating, and comparing of latent prints so the ground work for the conclusion (identifying, excluding, or inconclusive), the tester will produce a transparent record of the procedure and that way supply the courts with more information to determine how reliable that particular method is for a for a exact case. At present, examiners are not required to document, within a latent support, which features support both their reasoning and support.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Achromatopsia :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Achromatopsia When I was young, I was told that "color blindness" did not mean that the person saw the world like an old movie, but rather it meant that they could not distinguish between green and red. I thought that this understanding was very advanced and would quickly share my knowledge with any less-informed children. After looking into the matter, I have been forced to reject this generalization in favor of a broader range of diseases resulting in very different types of inabilities to perceive color in a "normal" fashion. While the typical color blindness I was told about affects 8 percent of men and less than 1 percent of women in the United States (1), there are many other types. The most common types of color blindness, effecting red and green vision, are not too serious for the sufferers, who can function normally and do not have overly impaired vision other than an inability to distinguish between certain colors. There are, however, more serious forms of "color blindness", such as blue cone monochromatopsia, partial rod monochromatopsia, and total rod monochromatopsia (3). The rod monochromats are also known as achromats, meaning they see no color at all. Only about 1/33,000 Americans has this disease, and women and men are effected roughly equally (3). This most severe variety of color blindness has many interesting symptoms which reveal a lot about rod vision. Achromats have what can be called "night vision" or rod vision. This means that the only functioning receptors in their retina are rod photoreceptors. The cones are either absent entirely or are present but the signals are not being processed for some reason. There are two types of achromatopsia, one is congenital and the other can be caused by brain damage, called cerebral achromatopsia (3). There are also varying degrees of achromatopsia, with some sufferers being able to distinguish some color and others absolutely none. I will focus on the congenital version since cerebral achromatopsia varies in its symptoms and cause quite a bit, as well as being much more rare and so fewer cases have been studied. Congenital color blindness has more regular symptoms which can be used to demonstrate how rod-vision works. One of the most noticeable things about an achromat that reveals their vision deficiency is sensitivity to light (8). Cone vision is what most people use during the day, since cones have less light sensitivity, meaning they can absorb more light without discomfort, although they too can be overloaded with light (like looking into the sun).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Galileo: A Man on a Mission :: History

Galileo: A Man on a Mission In 1632, Galileo Galilei published his book "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems." As innocent as this may seem, the implications that were associated with the publishing of the book were soon evident. In the time prior to the publishing of the book, Galileo had been warned several times not to publish it by the Catholic Church. The book was a fictitious dialogue between three men, whose purpose was to discuss two theories of Planetary Motion. The theory that Galileo was advocating was considered by the Church to be heretical, and he was told several times that publishing the book would have dire consequences. His pride, his impulsive nature, his arrogance, and his love for science influenced Galileo's decision. Galileo was a scientific genius, but he was also a human. He was too proud to compromise his beliefs under any circumstances. Before we can analyze this decision, we must understand exactly what the book contained. The idea behind the book was to demonstrate the superiority and validity of the Copernican model of the Solar System versus the Ptolemaic model of the Solar System. The Ptolemaic System was a model of the Solar System in which the planets, the sun, and all other objects in the universe revolve around the Earth. This system was supported by Aristotle and coincided with Holy Scripture, and therefore, was supported by the Church. On the other hand, the Copernican model of the Solar system was the basis for the system we use today. It stated that all objects in the universe, including the Earth, revolve around the sun. This idea was what caused problems with the Church. The theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe directly contradicted Holy Scripture. This was the foundation on which the Church based its threats against Galileo. Before we can truly understand the magnitude of this decision, we must also first comprehend the climate of the times in which his book was published. Europe was in the midst of a break from the old method of thinking to a new, increasingly scientific method of viewing the world and society. Until this time, Europe had been in what we call the "Age of Faith." This time period was characterized by a strong belief in the Church and religion. Although still a major force in the lives of the people, religion and philosophy were on a steady decline since the start of the Renaissance when the "Age of Exploration" began.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

OKB Essay

Learning Issues Chapter 1 (OKB) a) There was some mention about stakeholders in the problems, who are the stakeholders and what their stakes? 1. Capital market stakeholders In this case, the capital market shareholder of a firm is bank and shareholder. In this case the shareholder who gives OKB financial resources for OKB business. The stake of these shareholders is to ensure the OKB businesses continues their operation and can meet the expectation on the capital they had given. 2. Akar Enterprise (supplier) Is a major supplier for OKB Bhd. They supply herbs and roots from the forest of Perak. Their stakes is whether they able to meet the demand of OKB to continue supply raw material. 3. Customer We know that The Guardian approached OKB to supply its medicinal products to them. If that thing happen the sales would increase since consumer prefer use OKB products 4. Employee We notice that the OKB’s production process is carried out manually by the â€Å"kampung folks†. If OKB accept the offer from The guardian, the process will change to the machine since they will change it to mix of pills, capsules and liquid-compound forms. If this happen, they no longer can work for OKB in a manufacturing the products. 5. Government Ministry of health is a body who observe and monitor the quality and the safety of products. It is already mention about the latest markey surveys conducted by them, OKB is still the first choice among consumers. It shown that the product is safe to be used. b) What do you think of the comment made by the management about OKB’s Vision & OKB’s achievements? I think the old vision may not be suitable anymore to face the changes of economy nowadays. This is because, OKB more relies in traditional approach and they should come out with a new vision that promote abouts its products quality and attract customer. With a good vision, OKB can be more success and achieve their targets. They should change their vision not only based on customer need but also based on environment changes and also satisfied their employees. OKB Bhd can be more competitive to the real world and they can easily adapting the changes that have taken place on the industry. Learning Issue Chapter 2 Explain to Datin Timah about the importance of getting to know the external environment. Discuss the possible impact of the DPEST & G factors and the Competitive Forces (The 5 Forces) on her business. The DPEST & G analysis segmented the external environment into 6 segments which are demographic, political or legal, sociocultural, technological, global and environment segments. The first segment is political or legal segments. This segment focuses on organization to aware of any changes. Management must aware of consumer tastes and buying power. Any changes must be consider in the management’s strategies as changes on political or legal segments affect direct or indirectly on the demands of the market. Sociocultural segment need to be considered by management. These refer to the consumers concerns regarding the market, as there were negative views from the customer. Customer view the product should be revamping into modern pills and capsules rather than traditional packaging. They should be innovative in market their products and use the resources for best effectiveness and efficiently strategies. OKB Bhd can use technological advance thus creating competitive advantages of organization in the market. Advance in technologies can increasing the efficiency of productions and increase the value of product. Next is economic segment. This refers to the nature and direction of the economy in which a firm competes. This can help the management to create decision what suitable time to production. Last segment is global segment. Datin should know the global environment where existing markets are changing and thus taking the opportunity to make OKB Bhd well known by expanding the business and making improvement and innovative improvement on their products that are different from other competitors. The five forces of competition model are threat of new entrants, bargaining power of the supplier, bargaining power of the buyer, threat of the substitute products and intensity of rivalry among competitors. The threat of new entrants is important factors to identify since it can threaten the market share of the existing competitors. In this case, OKB must have their own strategy, vision and mission in order to compete with new entrant by improving their products image, packaging and make some innovation in order to create competitive advantage. Next is threat of substitute products. In this case, OKB have another competitor that provide and sell same products for consumer such as Guardian. Therefore, OKB must make a study and research how to faced this problems and attract their customer. Bargaining power of supplier is a situation when the supplier use to expert power over firms competing within industry. OKB major supplier is Akar Enterprise. In order to have enough resources and fulfill the demand, OKB should buy the resources from other supplier so that they are not facing problem such as insufficient material and high price of resources charges by supplier. Next is bargaining power of the buyer. Buyer mostly more attract with product that offer a lower price and give them a higher benefit and satisfied their interest. OKB should improve their product in taste and product image and give a reasonable price in order to attract customer. Last forces is intensity of rivalry among competitors. The competitors always alert and beware about their competitor. This is because any changes by another company made can affect their business. So they must take a action in order to ensure customer will loyalty to them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hobbes Vs Rousseau

Thomas Hobbes' imagined â€Å"state of nature† is full of â€Å"masterless men† (p. 140). Jean Jacque Rousseau's imagined â€Å"state of nature† is full of radically independent, solitary individuals who are innocent of good and evil. How does Hobbes come to that conclusion about man in the state of nature? On what kinds of evidence does he rely? How does Rousseau come to his conclusion about individuals in the state of nature. On what kind of arguments does he rely? Compare and contrast their imagined states of nature making sure you reference the evidence they draw upon to build heir argument.It is important to remember when relating Hobbes and Rousseau and their ideas of the natural state that they are not speaking of the same thing. Hobbes defines the state of nature as the time when men lived without a common power. Men would constantly be at war with each other, and the elements around them. There would be no laws or authority and without them, men would be lieve that everything is theirs. It is very similar to the mindset of a child. Children are not born with a natural inclination to share. That is something that parents must teach them as they grow.Greed is naturally instilled in men and because of this men have been fighting and violent even before societies were developed. Men were fghting, stealing, and murdering each other for survival. Rousseau argues with Hobbes. Rousseau describes a hypothetical time when society did not exist and men only acted on their natural instincts which were peaceful and timid. Men would not have any sense of right and wrong because they had not been molded by societys standards yet. Hobbes states that in the state of nature men would be fearful and greedy and because of this it was necessary for societies to exist.Humans need protection from each other because instinctually we are violent and pose a threat to others. Men naturally crave property and self-preservation and in this environment peace is not possible. When men come together to form societies social contracts are necessary to guarantee the protection of rights of each man. Once a social contract is established man gave his rights over to the sovereign. A social contract is an understanding in which multiple individuals come together and give their rights to one man.Once the individuals give their rights over them become one sovereign. The rights and rotection of a single individual is no longer important; only the protection of the sovereign as a whole. This is when men could begin to live their lives without fear. Once order was imparted on the people or a society they would live in harmony with each or be forced to leave. If this occurs that individual would no longer be under the protection of the sovereign. Hobbes believes that there are three principles that cause violence: competition, glory, and difference.If one man sees another with an item that he craves competition will take over and he will take the item using force or other means. Glory drives a man to be superior. Without a firm authority established one will be driven to be the most powerful. Rousseau disagrees with Hobbes and insists that in the state of nature the only factor is survival. In this case I believe that Hobbes is thinking too much from a society stand point and he is also contradicting himselt. Society molds us into competing tor glory. In the state ot nature this would not be the case.Hobbes and Rousseau both agree that in the state of nature reason and inequality do not exist yet and it would not be possible for man to understand that he should be more powerful than another. If inequality does not exist then it ould not be possible for one man to be more powerful then another. In Rousseau's natural state men are solitary, timid, and greed doesn't exist because society has not corrupted their innocence yet. Rousseau believes that human nature is inherently good and it wasn't until societies began to establish that human's instincts became corrupted.When man is in its natural state they are solitary and have no sense of ownership over anything. They struggle with their environment and their natural conditions. Individuals are looking out for themselves and self- preservation is guiding them, Just as in Hobbes natural state, however Rousseau says here is no violence between them. Rousseau compares man to animals by saying man needs to satisfy their physical needs for survival, however we have a natural repugnance for seeing others in pain. Because of this we would never harm another person for our own selfish desires.Language does not exist yet because people are solitary and keep to themselves. Because of this reason does not exist. Without reason there is no Jealously, inequality, or other negative emotions that lead to violence. This seems too optimistic to be accurate. Compassion would exist to an extent but self-preservation will always be more of a priority. If a man has to cause pain to another because there are limited resources then so be it. For example, let's say it was winter and a man found a small cave. There was already someone else in there and it was only big enough to fit one.Rousseau believes that since men have no sense of ownership, and are solitary creatures that one would simply leave because they don't have to reasoning to think, â€Å"l was here first, so it is mine. † Hobbes would say that men are violent and greedy and in this situation violence would occur. Men are born with a natural instinct to survive and because of this both men would fght over shelter. Humans would not do harm Just to be â€Å"evil† because good and evil would not exist yet. Once families started to form humans had more time to do other activities and with this came reason and inequality.Rousseau gives the example of a dance around a fire. One man will look at another and see that this man is bigger than another and reason would lead him to believe that one must be better than the other. Once inequality is established man has a need to be more powerful then another. Another factor that leads to inequality is the ownership of land. Rousseau states, â€Å"The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said â€Å"This is mine,† and ound people naive enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society.From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody. † Once man owns land and inequality has set in men will become greedy and want more believing that owning land is a symbol of power. Man ill begin to want more wealth and glory and this is when violence starts.The natural instincts of being solitary and peaceful hav e been corrupted by the society and humans have now been molded into greedy power hungry people. Rousseau states, â€Å"l must make everyone see that bonds ot servitude are tormed trom the mutual dependence of men. It is impossible to slave a man without first putting him in the positions of being unable to do without another person. Rousseau believes that when men live alone they cannot be corrupted because they rely on no one but themselves for survival.Once men come together and form families and societies they become enslaved by dependence into that society. After looking at both ideas I believe that Hobbes is not most accurate in his thinking. Rousseau has an optimistic, humanist way of looking at men, but I believe that it doesn't matter how far back in history one goes, men were always violent, greedy, fearful creatures. Just because reason didn't exist does not mean that men wouldn't have a wanting for resources that weren't theirs. Men may not have been able to reason why they wanted something, but the greed was still there.Society and social contracts did not cause or mold our greediness, and violence like Rousseau believes. Those instincts were instilled in men from the beginning as a way of survival. It is impossible to have any absolute truth over who is right in this argument. Once man has been civilized the effects cannot be reversed. We would never be able to go back to the state of nature and this is why the debate is still continuing today. Nature vs. nurture is a topic that is debated today because it is impossible to know for sure what is instinct and what has been molded by our society.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How the Constitution Limits the Power of Government

The Founding Father of America believed that freedom is a cornerstone of the nation. Therefore freedom had to be protected from any kinds of abuse including abuse by the Government. In order to achieve this purpose the Constitution has been designed in a manner that allowed to limit the powers of governing authorities and protect human rights. This paper shall investigate some of related constitutional provisions and demonstrate how the Constitution limits powers of the Government. First and foremost powers of the Government are limited by the American Bill of Rights which includes inalienable rights of every citizen which under no circumstances can be terminated. These rights include a right of free speech, right to carry arms, right to privacy etc. In fact the Bill of Rights does not limit the Government, yet it provides abilities for individuals to protect themselves from abuse by the Government [1]. The second feature that allows to limit power is principle of separation of powers. There are three branches of power: legislative power represented by the Congress, executive power headed by the President and judicial power vested by the Supreme Court. Neither of the branches has absolute power and each of them has certain rights and obligations together forming the checks and balances system – a second guarantee against abuse of powers[2]. The third opportunity to limit the Government is federalism. The principle of federalism means separation of powers between the central power and the states. Federalism restricts exercising absolute power by the Government because some powers can be exercised exclusively by the States. On the other hands, some powers can be exercised exclusively by the central government, so power of the Government and power of the States are mutually limited[2]. The fourth opportunity to limit powers is a right of citizens to elect their governments (both Federal and State). The Government which abuses human rights and misuses it’s powers would simply not be elected for the next term, thusly being deprived of opportunity to further infringe it’s powers[3]. Works Cited: 1. Constitution of the United States of America. Amendments 1-10 (American Bill of Rights). Available at: (last viewed: May 3, 2008) 2. Cooray Mark The Australian Achievement: From Bondage To Freedom. Available at:   (last viewed: May 3, 2008) 3. Jacob G. Hornberger (2000) The Constitution: Liberties of the People and Powers of Government. Available at:   (last viewed: May 3, 2008)   

Saturday, September 14, 2019

“Krista” by Pablo Baen Santos Critique Essay

Pablo Baen Santos created the artwork, Krista. It was created in the movement of Social Realism. This artwork is oil on canvas painting which shows a female whose mouth is wrapped with a barbed wire and clenching her fists. At the back of the female subject, the Philippine flag and a lot of people are present. The female and the people can be observed to be clearly in agony and pain. It was like torturing the female and the people were likely to be dead by observation. The colors used were simple, not too pale, and not too bright and associated with a shade of color black. The lines are mostly curvy and some have edges; a lot of irregular shapes were used to form the image of the humans and the flag. The lighting saturation was just enough to visualize the painting. The different elements used in this painting are color, line, shape, form and texture. The color used for the subject is mainly brown, a warm neutral color, extensively found in living things. It creates the wholesomeness and dullness of the painting. In addition, there are also shades of primary colors and white at the back of the female. The choice of color is good; it has shown a good picture of the painting by its color. Due to the blending of black color in all parts, the painting appears natural and firm. The diagonal lines are used to create a sense of feeling, specifically agony, and movement. The combination of lines makes up the irregular shapes of humans and the flag. A feeling of right texture is attained as the artist conveys the resemblance of humans in pain. The Philippine flag is a symbol where the case is evident, in the Philippines. The group of people who are most likely Filipinos shows rebellion and oppression. And the female subject is likely to be the situation of the Philippines. The artist is trying to renounce the happening in the Philippines through art. As I saw this art piece, I was struck in the heart of how real and actual its message is. I was a blind not to see and care of the hardships my mother land has undergone. It was amazing that the artist used his hands not to fight but to draw what he wanted to express for a long time. It was a portrait of the truth. Krista made by Pablo Baen Santos on 1984, depicts inang bayan (Philippine motherland) with a crown of barbed wire around her mouth like a gag. The work simultaneously embraces the themes of nationalism, censorship and the strong influence of the  Catholic tradition in the Philippines. The Philippine flag and a sea of protesting bodies forge the backdrop as the female Christ holds her clenched fist in defiance. One year shy of the silver anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, not much has changed in Philippine politics. In many ways, it is even worse than during Marcos’ time. Corruption is rampant and has filtered down to all levels of government, public education is a joke, poverty levels have not improved, environmental degradation is uncontrolled, and journalists still fear for their lives. Even if we manage to elect an ethical president, there will not be much to celebrate during the revolution’s silver anniversary. It will take much, much longer than a year to apply breaks to the downward spiral that our country has gotten itself into since that historic moment.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Leadership & Motivation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership & Motivation - Research Paper Example The organizations are focusing on effective leadership strategies and motivation process to retain employees. Lack of motivation and self confidence level of an employee can affect the organizational performance. Therefore, the organizations are trying to fulfill the personal needs of an employee to achieve significance work performance. Leadership Effective leadership strategy is an important tool that helps an individual to achieve organizational objectives and goals by influencing or motivating other employees (Williams, 2008). Successful leadership strategy depends upon specific situation and environment involved in those dynamics. Leaders within an organization have to follow several pathways to fulfill organizational goals. Following theory will help the readers to examine different kinds of behavior of a leader. Path Goal Theory of House Robert House stated that most important activity of a leader is to clarify the pathway of different goals of interests to the employees and s ubordinates. Effective leaders always try to develop a connection between the organizational goal and subordinate goal. Major objective of a leader within an organization is to improve the group performance through several motivation processes. ... In participative behavior, leaders generally consult with the employees and subordinates and then consider their views and options. Leaders with achievement oriented behavior support and encourage the subordinates or employees to apply superior efforts. The leaders try to strive for a superior level of goal achievement (Chance, 2009). Achievement oriented leaders believe that their subordinates can accomplish the goals. The characteristics of subordinates and several environmental aspects effectively influence the success. Moreover, these create potential opportunity for the successful leadership. Motivation The leaders and the managers of an organization try to motivate their employees through several motivational strategies in order to accomplish the organizational goal. Individuals can be motivated by several external environmental factors like supervision, pay, job perks and job benefits. This motivation process is known as extrinsic motivation. Moreover, people also can be motiv ated by the effective relationship between the job task and workers. This motivation process is known as intrinsic motivation. Following motivation theories will help the readers to understand about several aspects of human needs. Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Maslow Abraham Maslow established a theory based on five sets of human needs that are effectively arranged in a hierarchy. These are physiological, safety, social recognition, self esteem and self actualization needs. Physiological needs include needs for water, shelter, clothing, money and food. Safety needs include stability, structured environment and job security. Social recognition needs include affection, love, socialization, friendship and companionship. Self esteem needs include

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Strategic Management plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management plant - Essay Example The opportunities that are available to the firm are that of growth and government support. Threats that the company is facing include pirate attacks, weak economy, and environmental pressure groups. In this report we have suggested three long term objectives for the company. First long term objective is to lower operating expenses to 1500 million Euros by year 5. The second long term objective is to increase revenue by 20 percent by the end of year 5. The third long term objective is to reduce environmental pollution by decreasing the use of environmentally dangerous fuel by 20 percent by year 5. By using the tools like Grand Strategy Selection Matrix and the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters we have reached a conclusion that concentric diversification strategy should be adopted by Hapag-Lloyd because of the large size of the firm and its relative position in the market. The key success factor for the company is to lower its operational cost. The whole industry is facing this problem and it is important for the company to solve this issue in order to maintain its competitive position. Another key success factor is to enter in similar businesses like air cargo services in order to achieve concentric diversification. ... Both the companies operated during the World Wars too and this shows the rich history of the company. It can therefore be safely concluded that the foundations of the shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd is quite strong. The size and stature of the company can be deduced by the fact that it is currently the fifth largest shipping firm in the world (Taylor, 2010). Hapag-Lloyd has offices in around 114 countries which show the extent of their business. The services offered by the company are aimed at providing ultimate customer satisfaction. The internal company structure is vertical with a board controlling all decision making. All international offices follow a standardized plan designed in the Hamburg headquarters. Although some levy is also given to the foreign offices so that they can adapt to the local environment. Hapag-Lloyd mainly targets high end customers who are willing to pay high prices for quality services. Currently the company is facing problems from the Somalia pirates who are looting and hijacking ships in Arabian and Indian oceans. Hapag-Lloyd is also facing pressure from environmental groups to reduce sea pollution. The industry in general is constantly searching to find environmental friendly ways to reduce pollution and preserve natural habitat. Increasing fuel prices is also affecting the shipping industry. Vision Statement The company does not have a vision statement currently. I would suggest the following vision statement, â€Å"Satisfaction of global clients by providing, safe, superior and quick services in an environmental friendly manner†. This vision statement broadly speaks to the external world about the business of the company. The mention of the word ‘global’

Epistemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Epistemology - Essay Example Philosophers have come up with theories best to meet varied retail management strategies and aligning them with varied customers’ needs with time (Tsoukas, 2005). Douglas McGregor in his book â€Å"Human side of enterprise† acknowledged an method of making an atmosphere in which employees are encouraged through imposing, direction and control or integration and self-control which he called theory x and theory y. Abraham Maslow on the other hand developed a scientific management approach called Third force psychology. In retail management, organization of employees is of paramount importance due to their respective roles in running the activities of the retail outlet. They may range from cashiers, sales persons to assistants on technical aspects of the products and services. Customers’ needs on the other hand are varied and keep changing with time, seasons and preference. With McGregor’s theory, retail mangers need to ascertain the optimum transfer of autho rity and/or power to their employees incorporating Abraham Maslow’s needs and preference principles to help run the retail outlet smoothly. The two theories have similarities and differences of which can be viewed in a business perspective to assist in analysis of their concepts. In business core values, values like respect, commitment to personal and professional development and focus on friendly environmental practices and unwavering commitment to quality will match well with McGregor’s theory on employees’ motivation and control, and that of Maslow’s self-esteem, confidence, achievements and respect of others and by them. In developing goals, setting results expected of different employees of the outlet, the administration, financial segments and the outlet at large can provide a benchmark of realizing departmental efforts and capabilities and an insight about what requires change. This matches well with Maslow’s self-actualization pillar where molarity, problem solving, lack of prejudice and acceptance of facts which will be a product of the employees organization. In tem endorsed product line, the two theories are similar in that retail managers will need to assign employees to their best performing sections so as to align with the customers’ immediate wants. This is due to the fact that in endorsing a product line, employees need to intensively know their products and â€Å"think big† about the possible queries by expected customers and their respective answers so as to convince the customers. The two ideologies differ in the application to meet the employees need to change in their working conditions in terms of rules and regulations company aspirations and perspectives towards their development in one hand, and customers/consumers’ need of incorporation of their changing needs and preferences on the other hand. This calls for further study on retail management and analysis of ways to merge the man agement styles with the customer needs. For instance McGregor’s theory of authoritative, direction and control varies with the theory of integration and self-control in that there is no clear cut of the optimum type and level of authority to the employees to achieve maximum returns (Cooper, 1999). That is, if managers use the authoritative and control style, how would employees perform in relation to meeting the customers’ needs? On the other hand if management opts for integration and s

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Managing hospitality and tourism projects Essay

Managing hospitality and tourism projects - Essay Example Relying on the superiority of software, it could manage planning and estimation, scheduling, budget management and cost control, resource allocation, communication, collaboration software, quality management, decision making and administration or documentation system. Total quality management is referred to the structured and comprehensive approach towards organizational management which seeks to enhance the quality of services and products through ongoing improvements in response to the continuous feedback. Total quality management can be put into practice by any kind of organization; it was initiated in manufacturing sector and then it has been adapted in almost each type of companies including churches, schools, hotel management, and highway maintenance. The purpose of the report is to critically evaluate several concepts, theories, and tools related to the project management and decision making. Various concept of project management will be applied in the Radisson Blu Hotel at Di sneyland Paris and focus will be paid on how change management will help the company to attain success. Cost benefit analysis involves first totalling the benefits and then evaluating these with costs related with the course of action. The outcomes of the investigation are frequently expressed in terms of payback period which is the time taken for the benefits in order to repay the costs. The cost benefit analysis technique can be used in various situations such as in making decision whether to employ new member of team, during making evaluation of a novel project, and in determining the viability of assets or capital purchase (Layard and Glaister, 1994). Determine scope and objectives: The initial step involves outlining the characteristics of problem which is to be addressed. The information provided at this phase should also present an initial sign of how suitable the objectives are relative to the needs of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Global Environment of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Global Environment of Business - Essay Example With this concern, the brand adopted an important decision concerning setting higher prices for its broad array of products particularly in the European region in comparison with the US owing to the reason that the choices along with the preferences of the customers are quite dissimilar in the two business markets by a greater extent. In this similar context, one of the crucial factors that lead towards higher prices of lifestyle brands in Europe as compared to the US can be identified as the expensive operational costs. This can be justified with reference to the fact that Europe based customers are more trendy in nature than the US wherein Hilfiger had to raise its operational costs in order to comply with the requirements of the trendy European customers. Apart from the factor concerning higher operational costs, the other critical aspect which led to higher prices of Hilfiger products in Europe can be identified as the concentration of the retail market. In addition, the nature a s well as the preferences of the European customers can also be regarded as the other critical factors that led towards higher prices in the European region than compared to the US. ... rucial factors that led to higher prices in Europe as compared to the US, it can be affirmed that Hilfiger might experience certain major problems especially in Europe. In this similar background, one of the vital problems that Hilfiger might face is attracting along with retaining the customers from its targeted market segment, buying its different collection of products or brands. Furthermore, the other major problem that Hilfiger might encounter from having higher prices in the European region is decreased profitability along with productivity resulting in hindered customer satisfaction and lower retention rates over the long run period. This in turn might also hamper the growth of the company in terms of its market shares within the European region by a substantial extent and restrict its future growth prospects. To be mentioned in this context, the other problem that might be encountered by Hilfiger owing to its higher prices in Europe as compared to the US, is the inability to compete with its major rivalries and thereby accomplishing superior competitive position over its chief business market competitors in terms of weakening strategy in the area of brand positioning (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). Question 2 It has been apparently observed that Hilfiger had to experience different national preferences while performing its operational functions in several nations throughout the globe applying a widely diversified strategic process. In order to effectively deal with various national preferences and facilitate the brand towards betterment, especially in the US, the CEO of the brand intended to adopt and follow the strategy of harmonising its European and the US collections focusing on increasing market share and customer satisfaction (Uclan, 2013). In this regard, the