Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Battle Of Borodino - 1014 Words

This paper will analyze the Battle of Borodino. Within this analysis, I will examine weather Tolstoy’s treatment of Napoleon’s statements, to include whether or not Tolstoy accurately describes the battle and if he expresses the horror of battle to which Napoleon alluded. Additionally, I will analyze whether or not the passage supports Napoleon’s assessment of the French as victors and the Russians as invincible. Last I will analyze Tolstoy’s view of warfare was. This paper will give a basic understanding of the Battle of Borodino. To begin is to understand why Napoleon wanted this war and how the events in this conflict took place. Napoleon, is a well know person from history and stories of hi adventures are taught in most history classes. The text says â€Å"Napoleon began the war with Russia because he could not resist going to Dresden, could not help having his head turned by the homage he received, could not help donning a Polish uniform and yielding to the stimulating influence of a June morning, and could not refrain from bursts of anger in the presence of Kurakin and then of Balashev.† Tolstoy, L. (1869). Napoleon was a very proud and prideful person who wanted to be seen among the public. He liked the attention that he received when entering these conflicts and being in the lime light. He also believed that he could win any conflict that he entered and put this thinking above the lives of the men that would be doing the fighting. â€Å"The French, with the memory of all

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